Welcome to the 180th insertion of DEMUR®, an analytical series highlighting the intricacies of the artistic world and the minutiae lying within. In this episode, we discover why slogans tees are a metaphor for oversaturation, fast fashion and promotion, alongside their impact on market value.
‘Slogan tees’ are not a new thing, in fact, they’ve been around since the 80s, pioneered by British designer Katharine Hamnett. Their origin is found in political activism, initially created as a replicable way to revolt against societal norms. Yet, in today’s age, they represent something far from their rich, authentic roots, symbolizing a movement based on advantageous marketing and hot takes.

Over the past year, it feels as if slogan tees have become inseparable from the Instagram ‘Explore’ page. Farming reposts with conveniently accessible hyperlinks, a viral post can easily rake in tens of thousands of dollars, simultaneously establishing a no-name brand. While this may appear as an impenetrable tactic, slogan tees can be used as a metaphor for the current consumer market, lowering the desire for expendable Instagram brands and raising demand for genuine design.
In time, consumers will tire of these intentionally controversial campaigns, making disposable items even cornier and played out than they already are. Without a constantly reinforced ideal, distinct individuality or emphasis on craft, they lack merit and eventually generate mundane shock value. Take MSCHF’s Big Red Boots or Imran Potato’s Caveman Slippers for example, they may be creative, but they’re certainly not lucrative, often looked down upon for stylistic impracticalities.

Now, this isn’t to say these themes can’t be used effectively, or that all slogan tees are invalid. Hamnett’s work is undeniable, much like Takahiro Miyashita’s collections back in the early 2000s, it’s this new era of copy-cat ‘designers’ that are destroying such genius. As a takeaway, slogan tees, among all products of that nature, are simply micro-trends in disguise, looking to make a quick buck with an appealing idea.